On a recent weekend, my lovely BFF came to visit. Going to the mall with my BFF is better than going to the mall with anyone else. We hit dressing rooms and have a good giggle when we try stuff on that looks ridiculous, and manage to trade clothes back and forth and help the other one "style". A true friend to shop with doesn't let you leave the store with bad clothes, no matter how much you swear you can pull off those horizontal stripes, loud print dresses, leggings that come with an awesome muffintop, etc. But I digress.
We hit Bloomies and Clinique was having a "gift". Which came with this plastic mirror.

I think the shag rug really makes it look fancy, eh?
Handy enough, but I decided it was time to break out the MOD! And...I decided this was simple enough that I could practice my tutorial skills. I know that anyone who might stumble across this blog can probably figure out how to glue paper to a mirror. So this tutorial is more for me than for you. I'm new to blogging and I LURVE the awesome tutorials I find on other blogs, so want to practice so hopefully I can add some decent tutes myself as time goes by. My guess is that if you are operating a computer to read this, you likely mastered glueing paper in the 3rd grade. But bear with me, I need some practice, k?
Here are my supplies:

Mirror, Mod Podge, a brush and sharp knife.
I painted Mod Podge onto the mirror with the brush. I took a picture, but all you see is the same mirror again, with the Clinique logo partially obscured from the layer of Mod. But the secret here, is to brush it on with the mirror OPEN. Otherwise you might just glue the thing shut. Don't ask me how I know.
I stuck the piece of scrapbook paper on, and let it dry. I then cut around the outside of the mirror with the knife. No picture of cutting because I couldn't snap a picture and wield a knife at the same time!
Then brush more Mod Podge over the top,a couple coats if you like (letting dry between coats):

And then you have a pretty mirror for your purse:

My first tutorial. :-)
Hey Janimal! Great tutorial. I'm sifting through all of them, as I'd like to eventually try making a few myself. I'm such a sucker for GWPs (gifts w/purchase), and this is a great way to make them cuter. :)