Friday, May 21, 2010

The Doll Post

Greetings friends.

I'd like you to meet some dolly friends. Both made from FREE (well written, easy to follow) downloadable patterns found on the web.

Meet Dotty and Audrey.

Dotty is a very simple version of the Black Apple Doll, from a pattern featured on Martha Stewart. I made Dotty some time ago, before I ever thought about having a blog myself. Honestly, I forgot about her. Hadn't seen her in a while. Then I discovered she had taken a mini vacation in the space between our washer and dryer in the laundry room. Naughty girl had gotten a little dusty. She looks well rested from her holiday.

Dotty was mostly sewn using my machine, and I chose to embroider her face rather than paint or draw on. The Black Apple pattern is pretty easy to follow, and can be done by hand also. I personally have a tendency to overstuff the doll parts. Learn from my mistake!

As for Audrey -- I think she looks much more complicated to make than she actually is. As I was putting her together I was surprised at how smoothly things went. I like working with wool felt. It's cool not to have to think about fraying. And even wonky stitching can be disguised well as the right color floss practically makes the stitches disappear. (A tip, choose floss slightly darker than the felt rather than lighter, it blends better). The toughest part was attaching the arms and honestly, it wasn't that hard. The second hardest part was picking the colors to use!

Audrey is handstitched from wool felt, from a pattern by the incredibly talented Mimi Kirchner, featured on the magnificent Purl Bee website. You can see the tutorial and download the pattern here.

I think I should have embroidered the nose differently. I think the floss I used was too light, making it hard to see. But other than that I'm really quite pleased with her.

Know what else is cool about Audrey? Her legs are attached with buttons which makes her poseable so she can sit up on her own.

Even if you aren't up for making the whole doll, the dress is a great simple pattern and could be used to make an outfit for Barbie!

You can check out more versions of the Purl doll on Flickr here. Versions of the Black Apple doll are all over blogland.

If you have ever thought about making a doll - do it! Honestly it is so satisfying! And probably much easier than you think it's going to be!
Later skaters,

Decor Mamma

PonyTails and FishScales



  1. I love those cute dolls. I am thinking about making my little girl one now.
    Found you from Fun to Craft!

  2. Those dolls are adorable! Thanks for posting, I've been looking for doll patterns

  3. Your doll is adorable! And I agree- choosing the colors is the hardest part.

  4. I can't believe you got that pattern free online, how adorable. Also I prefer having the doll's face embrodiered on like you did instead of having it drawn on and risking it being rubbed off. And I can't see where it's over stuffed? Isn't that the way they're supposed to be? Anyway, I love both dolls, but the one with the button legs is unique.

    Hi! I'm here from the Friday blog hop and your newest follower and I'm so glad I found your blog!! Hope you come visit me and follow me too? Thanks! Great blog!

  5. Just stopping in and looking around from Follow Friday! And just became your newest follower! Yea! Hope you stop by and return the favor!

    My blog is all about interior design and remodeling there are some great tutorials so you can get the look you want on a budget! We also have a party every Friday to show off your stuff! And Sunday for Recipes links.

  6. Hi Janimal,

    I've awarded you a blog award. Please stop by my blog to pick it up.


  7. These are soooo cute! I love how unique they are and I am sure my daughter would love one! Thanks for linking up this week! :)

  8. Very sweet. Gotta love FREE!

    Thanks for linking up with Sugar & Spice.

  9. cute. Thanks for linking up. I'll be featuring you on Tuesday! And thanks so much for the blog award. I am honored that you thought of me!


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