Tuesday, March 16, 2010

$5 Craft Challenge Entry and Stitchalong square

First, here is my stitchalong square for the day. Also featured with U for Umbrella are a few stray dog hairs. Nice!

Next --- I have another entry in the $5 dollar store Spring Decor craft challenge!
Decorative decoupaged vase! Here it is on our fireplace mantel. I put little decorative flicker lights in it and with the lights off they glowed like candles inside the vase and it looks SO pretty. I thought about using pretty tissue paper with more pastel Easter like colors, since this is a "Spring Decor" item . But we don't celebrate Easter at our house. If you do, and like this craft, try it with different colors of tissue paper. I think it will be beautiful that way.

So here is the tutorial!
First, gather supplies:

Purchased with my $5 budget at the Dollar Store.
1 small glass vase.
1 package of patterned tissue paper
(optional) 1 package of fake candle lights

--- Other supplies I had on hand -- scissors, Mod Podge, paintbrush.

IF you don't have ModPodge glue on hand, you can purchase white craft glue, like Elmers, and water it down a bit. But then go buy some Mod Podge! It's awesome, seriously. There is a fantastic website featuring all things Mod Podge -- here's the link!

Next step, cut the tissue paper into small pieces. These ended up being tiny rectangles about 1' on the long side. Some were bigger, some smaller. Then I cut up several small squares about a half inch wide, to fill in gaps later. These pieces will overlap and don't require perfection.

Dip your brush into the Mod Podge (Hey, there's the Spring wreath in the background!)
(My vase is on top of an old magazine to protect my table)

And paint the glule on the vase, slightly larger than the size of the tissue paper.

Stick a piece of tissue onto the glue.
And brush out any wrinkles with the brush. Adding more Mod Podge over the top of the square.

Paint more glue next to that piece, to prepare for the next piece of tissue paper.
And stick!

This one I decided to overlap the top a bit. So I smoothed it over with my fingers then back to using the paintbrush to smooth out wrinkles and add more Mod Podge.

Keep adding and overlapping.

I decided it was important to make sure the top rim was covered, so placed my tissue paper slightly over the edge, made sure there was Mod Podge to stick well, and smooth down with my finger and the brush.
Leave to dry.

After completely dry, add another coat of Mod podge if you wish.

Drop in your fake tealight candles and you're done! I wish I could get a shot of the neat glow from the lights.
There you go, a Spring Decor item crafted spending less than $5 at the Dollar Store. Hope you liked it!


  1. Who's that sexy guy in the picture to the left on the mantel?

  2. What a cool project, it turned out great!

  3. The look of the tissue paper really makes this vase interesting. Great work :).

  4. What a great project! You are a clever and crafty girl. Happy Spring!

  5. It turned out beautifully! The swirls look painted on - very nice!

  6. Wow! I've never seen such swirly tissue paper. Very elegant!

  7. Hehe... you got another shout out yesterday! :) I just love your stuff and now I'm scouting out other items in need of Mod podge love!




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