Sunday, February 14, 2010

New sewing machine!

My sewing machine was a gift 15 years ago. It has been used sporadically over the years, and despite NEVER being serviced or even cleaned properly, she still works well. Here she is:

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(please ignore the messy table!)

Not fancy, but has gotten the job done for me. Now that I am sewing on a more "semi-regular" basis, and am trying to improve my skills, it's time for a new machine.

Last weekend I bought the Brother 900d machine. I think I am about to become an embroidery FOOL and Delilah will have her name on everything! That is, if I can figure out how to use it properly. It's so fancy compared to what I am used to, I am a bit intimidated! Last night I managed to add a decorative stitch to the bottom of a tshirt, and embroider Delilah's name on a piece of white fabric.

Here is the machine and a picture of my first shot at machine embroidery:

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Note the paisley square on the right front of the machine? That's scrapbook paper I cut to fit the little window. I'll likely replace that with a picture of Delilah (because I am crazy photo momma with that kid) but for now the scrapbook paper works.

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