Monday, August 12, 2013

Another Summer Dress For Meeeeeeeeeeee!

One hour dress?

Well, the McCalls 6102 pattern I blogged about in my last post, says it sews in an hour.  (Not counting cutting time).  So, for the 2nd time around, I cut the pattern, ironed on the facing, and checked the time.  Kids and husband were sleeping.  I *think* this actually did sew up in an hour!

But while sewing I got a text from a dear friend and we chatted a bit, so my timing was a bit off. 

So it was more than an hour if you stop to chat!

Anyway, check me out!


 The fabric is a Marc Jacobs cotton print I picked up at Mood in NYC.  Actually I bought the print in grey, brought it home, realized how much I loved it, then called Mood to buy the other colors!  This kind of taupe and pink print was not one that caught me eye as much in the store.   But I think it works for this dress.  It's nice and light and loose and comfy and cool for the hot Georgia sun. 

This time I didn't make a belt and will just wear as is.  It's a little boxy, so not the most figure flattering as is, but it sure is comfy. Comfy wins.

I also have this print in blue and purple!  I think it's rather retro! 

And just because, here's a little collage of my peeps.  I am a lucky lady.

Take care,


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