Monday, April 18, 2011

Puppet Show Dress by Oliver & S

Hello! Hello!

I am so happy to show off one of my favorite dresses I have ever made! We recently decided to plan a trip to DisneyWorld for our beautiful Delilah. Although we limit her TV time, she has a definite passion for Disney films featuring the iconic Disney Princesses. We're pretty sure seeing some of the princesses "live" at DisneyWorld will blow our little girl's mind!

So for the occasion - I am preparing her wardrobe. Check out her new Disney Princess dress...can you guess who inspired it?!?

Snow White of course!

This pretty dress buttons up nicely in the back:

When I decided to make Delilah a Snow White Dress, I bought a costume pattern. Upon further reflection, I opted NOT to use an actual Snow White pattern. I didn't want her outfit to be a "costume", I wanted it to be a dress. Not a long flowing gown (called for in the pattern) but a dress she could move and groove in. Not something to be used for dress up over clothing, but an actual garment of clothing, with proper closures and neat finished hems. So I referred to my favorite childrens clothing pattern designer -- Oliver and S.

This dress is the Puppet Show Dress. I was a bit intimidated as this was a 3 scissor pattern! (O&S ranks the difficulty of their patterns with a 4 scissor rating scale). But honestly, it wasn't scary at all and I am SO pleased with the result. And even better, Delilah loves it too.

I did make my own adjustments to add the red pleats on the sleeves.

Now off to plan more outfits for our trip!

(You know, we like this dress so much, D might just wear it BEFORE the trip. I'll share pictures!)

Thanks for stopping by, Janimal


  1. Perfect! She will be so adorable (and comfortable) in this!

  2. I LOVE it! It is just perfect. So much better than a costume.

  3. Oh, you clever mummy! This is a perfect princess dress - can't wait to see it on!

  4. Oh my gosh! This is the cutest dress I have ever seen!!

  5. So very lovely... my five year old actually squealed when he saw this, and spotted that it was a Snow White dress straight away. I think he quite wants one, though he's pretending it would be for his little sister!

  6. That turned out beautiful! My girls would love this dress!!
    Visiting from

  7. the is totally awesomeness~ great job!

  8. The perfect princess dress. I really like it.

  9. That dress is absolutely adorable! You did an amazing job. I LOVE that it's a Snow White dress but a classier, every day version.

  10. These costume are so cute and nice color....


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